Tsarskoye Selo and the Town of Pushkin
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Tynyanov Yury Nikolaevich

Tynyanov Y.N. (1894-1943), writer and literature historian

TYNYANOV Yury Nikolaevich (1894-1943), a philologist and writer. He lived in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad interruptedly between 1912 and 1941, evacuated soon after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 ...

3 March. The district newspaper "Bolshestskoye slovo" ("Bolshevik Word") was founded, on 3 February 1953 it was renamed the newspaper "Vpered" ("Forward") and on 1993 it was renamed "Tsarskoselskaya Gazeta" ("The Tsarskoye Selo Newspaper") ...