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hidden Persons of Tsarskoye Selo -
hidden Monuments of history and culture | Tserkovnaya Street/Pushkin, town, house 6 hidden Belyaev A.R. (1884-1942), writer | BELYAEV Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942, Pushkin Leningrad Region), writer. He studied in Smolensky Holy Seminary and in Demidov Law Lyceum in Yaroslavl. From 1915 he was seriously ill ... | | BELYAEV Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942, Pushkin Leningrad Region), writer. He studied in Smolensky Holy Seminary and in Demidov Law Lyceum in Yaroslavl. From 1915 he was seriously ill. After changing many professions he devoted himself to writing by the end 1920s. He lived in Leningrad and in Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin) in the 1930s. He worked in the Leningrad and Pushkin Periodical and at Leningrad Radio. Belyaev's creativity contributed greatly in the development of Soviet science fiction. Belyaev's works are charged with a certain ideological straightness (among the most popular are: Professor Dowell's Head, a story, 1925 and a novel with the same name, 1937; The Amphibian, 1928, etc.) but at the same time are marked by a certain dynamics of the story and brightness of images. He was the author of essays on Russian science, stories for children, and theoretical works on science fiction. He died of hunger in his bed during the German occupation. He lived at 19 Konyushennaya Street in Pushkin in 1938-42 (the house has not been preserved, there is a memorial plaque on the present-day house), and also in the House of Creativity at Proletarskaya Street (today 6 Tserkovnaya Street). He was buried in Kazanskoe Cemetery in Pushkin. References: Ляпунов Б. В. Александр Беляев: Критико-биогр. очерк. М., 1967; Беляева С. А. Воспоминания об отце // Аврора. 1982. № 9. С. 137-145; Бунатян Г. Г. Город муз: Лит. памят. места г. Пушкина. СПб., 2001. С. 337-346. D. N. Cherdakov.
| | | hidden Kaverin V.A. (1902-1989), writer | KAVERIN (real surname Zilber) Veniamin Alexandrovich (1902-1989), writer. Lived in Petrograd - Leningrad in 1920-41. In 1923 graduated from the Arabic Department of the Institute of Oriental Languages ... | | KAVERIN (real surname Zilber) Veniamin Alexandrovich (1902-1989), writer. Lived in Petrograd - Leningrad in 1920-41. In 1923 graduated from the Arabic Department of the Institute of Oriental Languages, in 1924 - from the Historical-Philosophical Department of the University, started post-graduate course. In 1929 the book by Kaverin - Baron Brambeus. The history of O. Senkovsky: journalist and editor - was published, defended his dissertation in the same year. Kaverin was a member of the translators' studio that functioned as a part of World Literature publishing house and Literary Group, Serapion Brothers that came from it. In his work of the Leningrad period Kaverin strove to make literature a reflection of everyday life. In his novel Brawler, or Evenings on Vasilievsky Island (1928) the spiritual atmosphere of Petrograd-Leningrad of the 1920s is depicted. Kaverin became known for his novel Two Captains (volumes 1-2, 1938-44; Stalin Prize, 1946). The prose of Kaverin ranges over themes of the confrontation of personalities, talent and fame, true and false science. He lived at 9 Griboedova Canal Embankment (collective memorial plaque); in the House of Creativity in the town of Pushkin at 6 Proletarskaya Street (today Tserkovnaya Street). References: Новикова О. И., Новиков В. И. В. Каверин: Критич. очерк. М., 1986; Фесенко Э. Я. К вопросу о прототипах героев романа В. А. Каверина Скандалист, или Вечера на Васильевском острове // Проблемы культуры, языка, воспитания. Архангельск, 1998. Вып. 3. С. 40-47. D. N. Akhapkin.
| | | hidden Tolstoy A.N. (1882-1945), writer | TOLSTOY Alexey Nikolaevich (1882-1945), count, writer, publicist, public figure, fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). He studied at еру St. Petersburg Technological Institute (1901-07, without receiving a degree) ... | | TOLSTOY Alexey Nikolaevich (1882-1945), count, writer, publicist, public figure, fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). He studied at еру St. Petersburg Technological Institute (1901-07, without receiving a degree). He started as a poet (Lyrics collection of poems, which imitated the poetry of the symbolists, published in St. Petersburg in 1907), but soon turned to prose (his first story The Old Tower was published in the Niva journal in 1908), which brought him success. His early works include: literary adaptation of folklore subjects in the Magpie Tales collection, 1910; stories based on the life of his native Samara province in the book Narratives and Stories, 1910, also known as Zavolzhye etc.). Tolstoy became an active member of the literary groups of St. Petersburg, frequented Ivanov's Wednesdays and contributed to various St. Petersburg periodicals. In 1913-16 he was in St. Petersburg - Petrograd on flying visits, relocated to Petrograd in 1923, and finally moved to Detskoe Selo in 1928. Among the visitors of his Wednesdays were V.Y. Shishkov, O.D. Forsh, B.A. Lavrenev, M.M. Zoschenko, P.E. Schegolev, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, A.F. Ioffe among others. The works of Tolstoy are distinguished with a vast variety of themes and genres: while in Leningrad and Detskoe Selo, he wrote the science-fiction novel The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin (1925-26); the first two books of the novel Peter the Great (1930, 1934; the Stalin Prize of 1941), which was one of the most important works of Tolstoy, dedicated to the issues of Russian state system and historical progress, politically topical in the 1930s; The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino, the fairy tale for children whose popularity never fades (1935) etc. The reality of St. Petersburg life is portrayed in many works of Tolstoy (trilogy The Road to Calvary, 1921-41; play The Conspiracy of the Empress, 1926, written together with Schegolev etc.). From 1938 he lived in Moscow. Tolstoy was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1943 and in 1946, posthumously. In 1907-10 he lived at 35 Tavricheskaya Street; in 1910-12 he resided at 147 Nevsky Prospect; in 1925-28 he lived at 3 Zhdanovka River Embankment; while in Detskoe Selo (Pushkin), in 1928-30 he lived at 8/13 Moskovskaya Street and at 6 Proletarskaya Street (present-day Tserkovnaya) in 1930-38. Tolstoy's name was attached to a boulevard in the town of Pushkin. References: Воспоминания об А. Н. Толстом: Сб. М., 1982; Бунатян Г. Г. Город муз: Лит. памят. места г. Пушкина. СПб., 2001. С. 309-326; Петелин В. В. Жизнь Алексея Толстого: "Красный граф". М., 2001. D. N. Cherdakov.
| | | hidden Tynyanov Y.N. (1894-1943), writer and literature historian | TYNYANOV Yury Nikolaevich (1894-1943), a philologist and writer. He lived in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad interruptedly between 1912 and 1941, evacuated soon after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 ... | | TYNYANOV Yury Nikolaevich (1894-1943), a philologist and writer. He lived in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad interruptedly between 1912 and 1941, evacuated soon after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. He graduated from the department of history and philosophy of Petrograd University with a major in the Slavic and Russian languages in 1919. He participated in S. A. Vengerov's Pushkin Seminars. He was a member of the Society for the Study of Poetic Language. He worked at the State Institute of Arts History in 1920-30 and collaborated with B. M. Eichenbaum to establish home seminars for students with B.Y. Buchstab, L. Y. Ginzburg, and other future literary critics among their listeners. He delivered lectures and reports in the House of Arts, House of Literati, Institute of the Living Word, etc. He was the science editor of the Poet's Library, a series of books, from 1931. His works on literature history and theory such as Archaists and Innovators of 1929 had a remarkable effect on the development of the Russian and European philology and are among the greatest achievements of Russian formalism. In his historical prose such as Kyukhlya of 1925, Sublieutenant Kizhe of 1928, Wax Person of 1931, and Young Vitushishnikov of 1933, Tynyanov carried on his scientific research in an original manner depicting bright images of St. Petersburg of various ages. He also wrote works on cinema theory and a number of film scripts. He lived at 8/15 Grechesky Avenue (memorial plaque) in 1919-36, 10/8 Plekhanova Street (today, Kazanskaya Street) from 1936, and in the House of Creation at 6 Proletarskaya Street (today, Tserkovnaya Street), Pushkin Town, in 1940 and 1941. References: Юрий Тынянов: Писатель и ученый: Воспоминания. Размышления. Встречи. М., 1966; Юрий Тынянов: Биобиблиогр. хроника (1894-1943) / Сост. В. Ф. Шубин. СПб., 1994. D. N. Cherdakov.
| | | hidden | Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy with his family moved into the house of Vuich located in 6 Proletarskaya Street (now it is Tserkovnaya (Church) Street). In this house Tolstoy worked on the novels "Pyotr I" (Peter the First") ... | | Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy with his family moved into the house of Vuich located in 6 Proletarskaya Street (now it is Tserkovnaya (Church) Street). In this house Tolstoy worked on the novels "Pyotr I" (Peter the First"), "Chernoye zoloto" ("the Black Gold"), the trilogy of novels "Khozhdeniye po mukam", consisting of "Sestry" (“Sisters”), "Vosemnadtsaty god" (“The Year 1918”), and "Khmuroe utro" (“A Gloomy Morning”), wrote the story "Gobelen Marii-Antuanetti" ("The Tapestry of Marie-Antoinette"), the tale "Zolotoy Klyuchik" ("The Golden key"), the libretto for Yu. Shaporin's opera "Dekabristi" ("Decembrists"), started the work on "Oborona Tsaritsina" ("The Defence of Tsaritsin"). He lived and worked here untill his departure to Moscow in 1938. The house of A.N. Tolstoy, the centre of the cultural life of Detskoye Selo of the 1930s, was visited by writers V.A. Rozhdestvensky, V.M. Inber, V.Ya. Shishkiv, O.D. Forsh, I.A. Andronikov, L.V. Nikulin, B.A. Lavrenev, M.M. Zoshchenko, the literary critic P.Ye. Shchegolev, artists G.S. Ulanova, Ye.I. Time, V.I. Kachalov, N.V. Pevtsov, M.F. Monakhov, the painter K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, composers Yu.A. Shaporin, V.M. Bogdanov-Berezovsky, D.D. Shostakovich, conductors A.V. Gauk, A.Sh. Melik-Pashayev, scientists A.F. Ioffe, A.M. Bonch-Bruyevich, L.D. Landau. During 1933-1934 A.N. Tolstoy was a deputy of the Detskoye Selo District Soviet, his articles were often published on pages of the district newspaper "Bolshevistskoye slovo" ("Bolsheviks' Word"). Repairing excavators was mastered in the Stream Locomotive Repair Base named after Uritsky (PPRMZ) under the direction of the talented engineer Vladimir Ivanovich Shkvokhin, who became the director of plants "Remputmash" of the Ministry of Transport. Persons Andronnikov Irakly Luarsabovich Bogdanov-Berezovsky Valerian Mikhailovich Bonch-Bruevich Mikhail Alexandrovich Forsh Olga Dmitrievna Gauk Alexander Vasilievich Inber Vera Mikhailovna Ioffe Abram Fedorovich Kachalov (the real surname is Shverubovich), Vasily Ivanovich Landau Lev Davydovich Lavrenev Boris Andreevich Melik-Pashayev, Aleksandr Shamilyevich Monakhov Nikolay Fedorovich Nikulin Lev Veniaminovich Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma Sergeevich Pevtsov Illarion Nikolaevich Rozhdestvensky Vsevolod Alexandrovich Shaporin Yury Alexandrovich Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Shishkov Alexander Semenovich Shkvokhin, Vladimir Ivanovich Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich Time Elizaveta Ivanovna Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Ulanova Galina Sergeevna Zoschenko Mikhail Mikhailovich Addresses Tserkovnaya Street/Pushkin, town, house 6
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