Tsarskoye Selo and the Town of Pushkin
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The Banknotes Factory

In 1779 Empress Catherine II ordered to construct a factory for producing high quality paper, officially stamped paper and banknotes, on the dam of the 5-th Lower Pond, later these ponds were named Fabrichniye (Factory’s) ...
The Big Hothouse with Garden.

The building was constructed in the 1750s to the design of F.-B. Rastrelli in the Baroque style. Constructing was directed by the architect S.I. Chevakinsky. In 1820-1828 V.P. Stasov rebuilt the building in the Classicism style ...
The building of the Alekseyevsky Orphanage.

The big stone building of the Tsarskoye Selo orphanage of the Mariyinsky Board was built in 1905 to the design of the technician A.V. Druker . The orphanage was established in 1842 ...
The building of the Tsarskoye Selo Military Hospital (Sophia post office)

Constructing of a four-storied stone Post Office with stables and sheds in the town of Sophia was made in 1784 to the design of Ch. Cameron. In 1805-1806 it was rebuilt according to L. Rusca’s project under the direction of the brick-master D ...
The Cameron Gallery (an ensemble of the Catherine Palace)

The Cameron Gallery, called in honour of its builder, with the graceful colonnade formed by Ionic fluted columns and a spectacular terrace with bow-shaped stairs led into the park, is a part of the architectural complex of Cameron’s Thermae ...
The Central Building of the Town Policy.

V.I. Geste’s project, developed in 1809 and intended for office buildings, was used for constructing buildings of the Tsarskoye Selo Town Police (The Town Police Board, the Board of the Police Chief and Fire-station) ...
The Chapel of the most Orthodox Prince Igor of Chernigov

The Chapel of the most Othodox Prince Igor of Chernigov and Kiev was built in the memory of perished citizens of Tsarskoye Selo – the Town of Pushkin during WWII ...
The Chapelle Pavilion (an ensemble of the Alexander Park)

The Chapelle pavilion was located near the Upper Hothouses along the Menagerie line. Two Chapelle’s towers, connected with the arch, were built during 1825-1828 on the place of the dismantled southern bastion of the Menagerie ...
The Chesme Column, a monument

The town of Pushkin, the Catherine Park, the Great Lake.Architect: Antonio Rinaldi (1709-1794)Sculptor: I. SchwartzIt was built in 1771-1778Materials: Olonets pink and white marble for the column stern with rostrums; Olonets gray marble ...
The Chinese Theatre (an ensemble of the Alexander Park)

The Chinese Theatre or the Opera House was built by the architects A. Rinaldi and I.V. Neyelov in 1778-1779 in the New Garden western bosket at the place of an outside amphitheatre with turf benches ...
The Church of St. Julian of Tarsus (of the Life Guard Cuirassier His Emperor Majesty Regiment)

The regiment church was built to the design of the architect V.N. Kuritsin at the corner of Kadetsky Boulevard and Kirasirskaya (Cuirassier) Street in 1896-1899. The decoration was made by the architect S.A. Danini ...
The Cold Bath or the Agate Rooms Pavilion (an ensemble of the Catherine Palace)

The building, being the central place in the complex of Cameron’s Thermae, was built by Ch. Cameron for Catherine II in 1780-1788. Sculptors J.D. Rashett and K. Goffert, masters of jasper-cutting V.Davydov and V ...
The Commemorative Plague devoted to E.F. Gollerbakh

The grand opening of the commemorative plaque devoted to Erich Fedorovich Gollerbakh took place in September 2010 on the building of the former Tsarskoye Selo Real College named after Nicholas II (now it is the school No ...
The commemorative plaque devoted to A.S. Pushkin.

“Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin was educated here from 1811 until 1817”1899. The architect A.R. Bach. Marble. The town of Pushkin, 1 Sadovaya Street, the Lyceum. (F-231) ...
The commemorative plaque to I.F. Annensky

The grand opening of the commemorative plaque to I.F. Annensky took place on 12 December 2009 on the building of the former Nikolayevsky Gymnasium. I.F. Annensky was the principle of the gymnasium where there was his flat ...
The Concert Hall (an ensemble of the Catherine Park)

The most perfect pavilion of the Catherine Park was built in 1782-1788 by G. Quarenghias “a hall for music with two studies and opened temple devoted to Ceres” ...
The Concert Hall on the Island of the Great Pond, a pavilion (an ensemble of the Catherine Park)

The first in Tsarskoye Selo a park entertaining pavilion Lusthaus, in the form of a octagonal balk wooden gallery, was built by the architect I.K. Ferster in 1723 just here, on an artificial island of the Great Pond ...
The Cottedge of Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich (an ensemble of the Separated Park)

A country house, looked like an English cottadge, is the first model of the St. Petersburg Modern and the scene of action of the famous series of TV films about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson ...
The Country House of P.P. Chistyakov (an ensemble of the Separated Park)

Building the country house of the artist and the Academy of Arts Professor P.P. Chistyakov was connected with the special art “colony” in the Separated Park where famous artists - K.A. Gorbunov, M.N. Vasilyev, N.A. Lavrov, M.V. Kharlamov, N.YE ...
The Crimean (Siberian) Column, a monument

The town of Pushkin, 64/68 Parkovaya Street.The painter: Gavriyil Ignatyevich Kozlov (1738-1791)The monument was opened in July 1777.The sculptor decoration was set on the obelisk top in 1785 ...
The Elephant Pavilion (an ensemble of the Alexander Park)

The wooden pavilion Elephants with small Indian style towers and service rooms and sheds, surrounded the yard, was built by the architeсt Menelaws in 1828. Appartments of the park wardens and elephant supervisor were placed in this pavilion ...
The estate of A.V. Kokorev (an industrialist, wine merchant, patron of art)

An example of a rich merchant modernist style estate, the base of which was made up the early constructions of two town places Nos. 154 and 153. One of them belonged to Privy Councillor F.A. Durasov, from who it passed to Prince Dondukov-Korsakov ...
The estate of M.V. Kochubey (the Reserved Palace, Vladimir Palace)

Alexander I was the author of the original architectural idea and customer of Kochubey’s country-house. The work with the project was begun in 1816 from a draft developed by the emperor himself with the help of the architect P.V ...
The Evangelical-Lutheran Church of the Resurrection of Christ

The Lutheran Church was founded according to the initiative of the director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Ye. A. Engelgardt and the Lyceum pastor Gnichtel. In 1817-1818 a wooden building was adapted for using as the church on money granted by ...
The Farm (an ensemble of the Alexander Park)

The Farm is located in the heart of the Alexander Park near the White Tower and the Military Chamber. The complex has been founded at this place from 1810 when the first wooden constructions were built according to the design of the garden ...
The Gate "To my dear comrades", a monument

Address: the town of Pushkin, Sadovaya Street, to the North-East part of the Catherine Park. Architects: Vasily Petrovich Stasov (1769-1848) Adam Menelaws (1748-1833)Opened: 17 August 1817 Materials: the Gate columns ...
The Gostiny Dvor (Merchant Arcade)

A historical complex of the Tsarskoye Selo Gostiny Dvor (25 Moskovskaya Street) is located between Oranzhereinaya Street and Leontyevskaya Street. The complex includes the main building built by the architect N.S ...
The Great Caprice

The Great and Little Caprice were built in 1772–1774 by the architect V.I. Neyelov and the engineer I. Gerard over the road led to the Great Tsarskoye Selo Palace. The road was named “Under Caprice road”. There are many legends concerning caprices ...
The Grotto Pavilion.

The Grotto pavilion with the pier , highlighting on the dark green background of the Old Garden and with its mirror reflection in the Great Pond water, pertains to classical views of the Catherine Park ...
The Hermitage pavilion (an ensemble of the Catherine Park)

The Hermitage pavilion, hidden in green foliage of the grove, with the Hermitage Canal, encircled it, was built in 1744-1746 to the design of the architect M.G. Zemtsov, it was not completed. The pavilion decoration was completed by F.-B ...
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